Getting to Bethany Beach should only take about 5 hours from good ole Charlottesville. I think it took me, Julia, York and KG about 8 hours. And it was long, and painful. But in all honesty, I would have had no other company to share it with. I would post the video from the car ride, but I don't think I can. We sang loudly, laughed, tried to reason with all the aggressive Honda Civic drivers on the road. Seriously, if you drive a civic, does that automatically mean you are a bad drive? On our trip... yes. And the drive back was not much better. But we once again sang, made friends with the boys winking at us from the left, watched "Karen" who sang alone in the car to our right and enjoyed the last little bit of our girls weekend 2k11. We all hope this is an annual trip. It is too good to pass up.
I am thankful for friends who have known me so long. They have known me as I have changed. I think that might be one of the best and hardest parts of friendships. We change. So, friendships change. But what would it be if we all stayed the same? I get to share with them how I am no longer the same person from high school, and how one of us lives in another country, and how another is going back to school and how I'm moving to Suburbia?! I am learning as I go and am thankful for women that know me and love me the same.
So, the weekend... We sipped wine, I got an awful sunburn, read (I read an ENTIRE book in one day- life goal complete!) watched Gypsy weddings on TLC, listened to a band from the Naval academy doing Katy Perry covers, ate heaps of chocolate rainforest ice cream, talked for hours, realized we are all growing up, and napped. All FINE things :)
it's so good to see you and kaitlin in the same photo! :)