Hello there, whoever you are that might read this blog. Sorry for the lack in blogging. There is so much going on while at the same time I find myself wondering what to do next. It's busy, but not at the same time. Does that make sense?
Anyways, life lately has been...
-quick roadtrips to Rockbridge to visit friends
-learning that I love the band Rend Collective Experiment
-cooking-- Josh and I have been cooking dinner most nights together and I love it. We make a good team.
-lots of wedding planning. it hasn't been too overwhelming but I'm ready for it to be over. To just enjoy the day with our dearest friends and family. 19 days, what?
-lots of trips to target. returns, exchanges, new purchases. we have been there so much lately
-trying a new church two weeks in a row. Gleaning from the Old Testament and how it is directly connected to Jesus and his life in the New Testament. My trainer in YL told us that the whole Bible is the "unveiling drama of the redemption of the world through Jesus Christ"
-Side note: at church I learned that the name "Yeshua" is the same name for Joshua (from the OT in Numbers and Joshua) and for Jesus... the way that Moses represented the Law and following it, Joshua represented grace and leading the people to the Promised Land. And Jesus is grace also... the only way to eternal life. Isn't that little nugget so profound?
-Trying to put together and furnish our new apartment. It is coming together. Right now Josh's nightstand is a file cabinet but hopefully we'll have more furniture. I've been humbled as I look around at it and know that our family gave us everything... I hope to be as generous to others. Can't wait to move into our place.
-Working on practicing thankfulness. I am praying these days to see the good. To have hope. To see what there is or could be, and not what is lacking. It takes practice.
Have a great week, my friends!
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