Thursday, August 18, 2011


Tomorrow I will live in a new place! How exciting. I am scrambling trying to pack and pack and in the process I have gotten good at making piles that go to Goodwill and piles that go to the trash. It is so nice cleaning. Although this process will continue until I am mostly moved out of my dads... who knows when this will be :) The picture above is the current chaos.

I am nervous. New town, new people, new job. I will be more thankful than ever to have my GPS with me, that is for sure.

When I was cleaning I found a journal of my mom's and a verse she had written is one I cling to these days.

"So don't be anxious about tomorrow. God will take care of your tomorrow too. Live ONE day at a time." or "Do not worry therefore, in view of tomorrow, for tomorrow will have its own anxieties. Each day's peculiar troubles are sufficient for it." Matthew 6:34

I am living ONE day at a time. And the Lord will take care of each and every day. What a gift that is-that is freedom.

"I have the strength to face ALL conditions by the power that Christ gives me." Philippians 4:19

This is the start of something good...


  1. marge, SO excited for you! seriously. we will be praying for you daily as you settle into a new rhythm of life and a new place. so much love!

  2. how often do you change your blog layout? haha
    I am so excited for you. I am also nervous/eager to see our friendship blossom and learn to adapt under new circumstances and through distance. I love you most dearly, Modpodge.
