Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Try Harder

I had the privilege of being at Young Life's property called Rockbridge over the past four days. History was being made at the first ever Young Life College Summer Camp Week. My roommate Alyson was leading songs in Club and asked me to come along to be head leader. Since I won't be working at a YL camp this summer because of our wedding, I jumped on the opportunity to be there. Being head leader is fun because we get to essentially cheer on the leaders as they share camp with the friends they brought. I loved it. Our team of people was so fun to work with, and it brought joy to me to be reunited with the property staff who I worked with last summer. I felt loved. People affirmed my gifts. They asked when my wedding was. They hugged me. Being there was so refreshing for me. It was physically exhausting, but spiritually and emotionally refreshing as I remembered the importance of what I do as an ambassador of Christ-- what a gift.

And what's funny, is that as a leader, I have sat in the Club room and heard so many talks at a week of YL summer camp. And I have realized that as much as they are for the kids we bring, they are for me. I could be reminded of the proof of Christ's love for me on the Cross every day, and it still wouldn't be enough.

As I sat in the back of the Club room each night, I watched walls break down. I watched college students of all beliefs, schools, walks of life -- embrace joy. Joy in singing "Journey" as loud as they could. Joy in laughing at characters on stage. Joy in hearing the greatest story ever told. The speaker posed this question many times "What story do you want to tell?" I want to tell the story of Christ in me. I want to tell the story that I trust him. Steve also told us that we can hear two voices. One that whispers and says "try harder" and one that says "come to me." I am still learning that I don't have to try harder. That Christ meets me right where I am, and loves me to His fullest extent. That I am being transformed more into his likeness every day, and because of that I am worth it. We are worth it. That is a story worth telling. That while we were a long way off, trying to make sense of our own way, Christ couldn't let us drown, and he made a way. That is a story I want to tell. Thankful for the magic, wonder and joy of YL camp. Can't wait for July with my Dulles South friends!

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